Below are all of the currently available search terms in Pokémon GO. These search strings allow you to identify perfect IV Pokémon, find which Pokémon you can evolve, and even filter by which Pokémon have legacy moves (such as those from community days).

General Search Terms

Query Function Example
Species Find all Pokémon of a given species (search with a plus sign, such as “+squirtle”, to return all Pokémon of that evolution line; see search operators) bulbasaur
Nickname Find all Pokémon with a given nickname (search with a plus sign, such as “+alice”, to return all Pokémon of that evolution line; see search operators) bob
Pokédex Number Find all Pokémon with a given Pokédex number (accepts ranges; search with a plus sign to return all Pokémon of that evolution line; see search operators) 27
Pokémon Type Find all Pokémon of a given type fire
Favorite Pokémon Return all your favorite (starred) Pokémon favorite
Tag Find all Pokémon with a given tag (just search “#” to return all tagged Pokémon) #massevolve

Pokémon Appraisal

Query Function Example
Perfect Pokémon Find all Pokémon with combined IV of 100% 4*
Three-Star Pokémon Find all Pokémon with combined IV between 79% and 99% 3*
Two-Star Pokémon Find all Pokémon with combined IV between 67% and 79% 2*
One-Star Pokémon Find all Pokémon with combined IV between 51% and 66% 1*
Zero-Star Pokémon Find all Pokémon with combined IV of 50% or below 0*

Pokémon IV Ranges

Query Function Example
Attack IV Find all Pokémon with an attack IV in a given range 0attack
Defense IV Find all Pokémon with a defense IV in a given range 4defense
HP IV Find all Pokémon with an HP IV in a given range 4hp
Value Ranges 0 = 0 IV
1 = 1–5 IV
2 = 6–10 IV
3 = 11–14 IV
4 = 15 IV (Perfect)

Buddy Friendship Level

Query Function Example
Non-Buddy Returns all Pokémon that have never been your buddy buddy0
Buddy Returns all Pokémon that have earned zero hearts but have been selected as your buddy buddy1
Good Buddy Returns all Pokémon that have earned one to 69 hearts as your buddy buddy2
Great Buddy Returns all Pokémon that have earned 70 to 149 hearts as your buddy buddy3
Ultra Buddy Returns all Pokémon that have earned 150 to 299 hearts as your buddy buddy4
Best Buddy Returns all Pokémon that have earned 300 hearts as your buddy buddy5
Buddy searches can also be ranges. For instance, buddy0-3 will return all Pokémon that aren’t your Best Buddy

Evolution Search Terms

Query Function Example
Can Evolve Search “evolve” to return all Pokémon you have the candies and evolution items needed to evolve. This does not include Mega Evolutions evolve
Can Evolve for New Pokédex Entry Search “evolvenew” to return all Pokémon you can evolve to get a new Pokédex entry, including Mega Evolutions. Does not account for Pokémon species that have gender-specific evolutions evolvenew
Can Mega Evolve Search “megaevolve” to return all Pokémon you have the Mega Energy needed to Mega Evolve or the Primal Energy needed to activate a Primal Reversion megaevolve
Dynamax Pokémon Search “dynamax” to return all Pokémon capable of Dynamaxing megaevolve
Mega Evolution Level Return Pokémon with a given Mega or Primal Reversion Level (ranges from 0 to 3) mega3
Can Evolve Using Item Search “item” to return all Pokémon you can currently evolve using an item item
Evolve Via Trading Search “tradeevolve” to return all Pokémon that evolve when traded tradeevolve

Battle Search Terms

Query Function Example
Defenders Search “defender” to see all Pokémon currently defending a gym defender
Pokémon Weak Against Type Find all Pokémon weak against a given type <fire
Pokémon Strong Against Type Find all Pokémon strong against a given type >water
Weather-Boosted Search “weather” to return all Pokémon with any move boosted by the current weather. Use @1weather to search quick attacks, @2weather to search charge attacks and @3weather to search secondary charge attacks @2weather
Attack Type Returns all Pokémon with any attack of a given type. Use @1type to search quick attacks, @2type to search charge attacks and @3type to search secondary charge attacks @1ghost
Attack Move Returns all Pokémon with any given attack. Use @1move to search quick attacks, @2move to search charge attacks and @3move to search secondary charge attacks @water gun
Legacy Move Returns all Pokémon with any move that can’t be learned using standard TMs, such as community day moves, Return and Frustration. Use @1special to search quick attacks, @2special to search charge attacks and @3special to search secondary charge attacks @special

Stat Search Terms

Query Function Example
CP Returns all Pokémon with a given CP (accepts ranges; see search operators) cp124
HP Returns all Pokémon with a given full HP value (accepts ranges; see search operators); HP searches do not account for hurt and fainted Pokémon hp2426
Level 40+ Returns all Pokémon above level 40 (the level at which Pokémon require Candy XL to power up) candyxl

Size Search Terms

Query Function Example
Extra Extra Small Returns all Pokémon that are extra extra small xxs
Extra Small Returns all Pokémon that are extra small xs
Extra Large Returns all Pokémon that are extra large xl
Extra Extra Large Returns all Pokémon that are extra extra large xxl

Catch Date

Query Function Example
Age Returns all Pokémon caught a given number of days ago. For instance, “age 1” will return all Pokémon caught the previous day (accepts ranges; see search operators) age 7-14
Year Returns all Pokémon caught in a given year (accepts ranges; see search operators) year 2020

Pokémon Source

Query Function Example
Hatched Pokémon Search “hatched” to return all Pokémon hatched from eggs eggsonly
Raid Pokémon Search “raid” to return all Pokémon caught from winning a raid (Note: This will not return Pokémon caught before October 2020) raid
Raid Type Find Pokémon caught from a given raid type: “remoteraid”, “megaraid”, “exraid” or “primalraid” (Note: This will not return Pokémon caught before October 2020) remoteraid
Research Rewards Search “research” to return all Pokémon caught from completing a research task (Note: This will not return Pokémon caught before October 2020) research
Great Battle League Rewards Search “gbl” to return all Pokémon caught as a reward from battling in the Great Battle League (Note: This will not return Pokémon caught before October 2020) gbl
Pokémon From Team Rocket Members Search “rocket” to return all Pokémon caught after beating a member of Team Rocket (Note: This will not return Pokémon caught before October 2020) rocket
Surprise Encounters Search “snapshot” to return all Pokémon caught after appearing on the map following photobombing a snapshot (Note: This will not return Pokémon caught before October 2020) snapshot
Traded Pokémon Search “traded” to return all Pokémon received from trades traded
Distance Search “distance” to return Pokémon originating from within a certain distance away in kilometers, whether caught or received as an egg (accepts ranges; if a range is not given, defaults to that distance or closer; see search operators) distance 1000-

Pokémon Generation/Region

Query Function Example
Kanto Search “kanto” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation I (Red/Blue/Yellow); includes special forms introduced in other regions kanto
Johto Search “johto” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation II (Gold/Silver/Crystal); includes special forms introduced in other regions johto
Hoenn Search “hoenn” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation III (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald); includes special forms introduced in other regions hoenn
Sinnoh Search “sinnoh” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation IV (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum); includes special forms introduced in other regions sinnoh
Unova Search “unova” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation V (Black/White/Black 2/White 2); includes special forms introduced in other regions sinnoh
Kalos Search “kalos” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation VI (X/Y); includes special forms introduced in other regions kalos
Alola Search “alola” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation VII (Sun/Moon); includes special forms introduced in other regions as well as Alolan variants of Generation I Pokémon alola
Galar Search “galar” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation VIII (Sword/Shield); includes special forms introduced in other regions as well as Galarian variants of previous generation Pokémon galar
Paldea Search “paldea” to find all Pokémon species introduced in Generation IX (Scarlet/Violet); includes special forms introduced in other regions as well as Paldean variants of previous generation Pokémon paldea

Pokémon Attribute Search Terms

Query Function Example
Pokémon Gender Find all Pokémon of a given gender (male, female or genderunknown) female
Baby Pokémon Search “eggsonly” to return all Pokémon only available from eggs eggsonly
Costume Search “costume” to find all Pokémon wearing costumes (e.g. event-specific costumes such as Santa hat Pikachu) costume
Location Card Search “background” to find all Pokémon with a special location card backgrounds, such as those from in-person events background
Legendary Pokémon Search “legendary” to return all legendary Pokémon legendary
Mythical Pokémon Search “mythical” to return all mythical Pokémon such as Mew mythical
Ultra Beasts Search “ultra beasts” (plural) to see all Ultra Beast Pokémon ultra beasts
Lucky Pokémon Search “lucky” to see all lucky Pokémon lucky
Shinies Search “shiny” to see all shiny Pokémon shiny
Shadow Pokémon Search “shadow” to return all shadow Pokémon shadow
Purified Pokémon Search “purified” to return all purified Pokémon purified

Search Operators

Operator Function
Can be used to search for a range of values, such as HP, CP and Pokédex number. “152-251”, for example, will return all second generation Pokémon. “hp-100” will return all Pokémon with a max HP value of 100 or less. “cp2000-” will return all Pokémon with a CP value of at least 2000.
! Works as a “not” operator. Will return all Pokémon that do not meet the given search term. For instance, “!shiny” will return all non-shiny Pokémon.
& | Works as an “and” operator. You can combine multiple search terms together using ampersands (“&”) or vertical bars (“|”). This symbol returning results that match both terms. For instance, “@water&1-151&cp2000-” will return only water Pokémon from Generation 1 with a CP value of 2000 or above.
+ When searching for a Pokémon by species name, nickname or Pokédex number, will return all Pokémon within the evolutionary line. For instance, “+dragonair” will return all Dratinees, Dragonairs and Dragonites. Does not work with other search queries such as type. Requires that you have at least one Pokémon that returns from the base query (searching for “+dragonair” will return nothing if you do not have any Dragonairs).
, : ; Works as an “or” operator. You can combine multiple search terms together using commas (“,”), colons (“:”) and semicolons (“;”). This symbol returns results that match any term. For instance, “pikachu,raichu” will return both Pikachus and Raichus.

Search Behaviors

  • Searches are not case sensitive. For example, “bob” will return the same results as “BoB”. Spaces are also ignored, so “cp100” will return the same results as “cp 100”.
  • Searches work for partial strings. For instance, “Pik” will return Pikachu. However, searches only look at the beginning of a name, so “slash” will not return Sandslash.
  • Some Pokémon nicknames will not return in search results. Nicknames that start with numerals do not show up in searches that only contain numerals. For instance, a Pikachu named “100iv” will not show up in a search for “100” but will show up in a search for “100i”. Furthermore, a Pokémon nicknamed “585858” will not show up for a search for “585858”. A Mewtwo nicknamed “-5” will show up for a search for “-” but not for “-5”, which will only display Pokémon with Pokédex numbers 5 or lower.
  • Searches remain open when you click on one of the results and exit back out. The searches will update if you made changes to the Pokémon, for instance by evolving it or changing its name. For instance, if you search for “evolve” then evolve your Pikachu into a Raichu, that Raichu will not show up in the existing search.